Project Coach AI

100x Your Projects & Boost Your Business

AI Assets for

We Help Design Professionals Optimize Their Projects and 100X Their Business with AI

100x Your Projects & Boost Your Business


Everything you need to start exploring and profiting from Generative AI.

Our AI Powered Project Tools, Training & Coaching Can Ignite Your Business

Leverage the Imaginative Potential of Projects and Compounding Magic of Teams...
accelerated by A.I.

Designed to engage your whole team, ignite growth and empower your business by applying AI across your whole business.

  • Build employee skills, engagement, pride and camaraderie
  • Encourage curiosity, imagination and cutting edge creativity
  • Reduce overhead,  employee turnover, repetition and drudgery
  • Clarify employee roles, responsibilities, build systems for accountability, pride and motivation

Join Project Coach to create your AI Powered Future!

Get Help Quick with our Fast Track Coaching and Empower Your People with Our Suite of AI Powered Tools, Training Workshops or Our Full Business AI Integrator Solution.


Project Coach
(P + T)AI = 100X

We believe projects are the engine of growth, no matter your industry. We equip businesses with the tools and mindset to turn your most pressing challenges and exciting opportunities into successful projects. Our project coaching approach and AI tools are game changers!

Here’s how we empower you

AI-Powered Efficiency: Leverage cutting-edge AI to empower every employee and watch them work faster, smarter, and more cost-effectively.

What's included:

Corporate Web Portal: Access a wealth of resources, including skill development tools, AI-powered book summaries, and custom AI tools to move seamlessly from strategy to execution. (Powered by Simple Academy)

Personal Development Tools (LMS): Design and track personalized skill development plans for your leadership and employees, fostering a culture of continuous learning.

AI for Business Training: Become proficient, and imaginative users of AI with our 8-step gamified training, modeled on the karate belt classification system.

Project-Centric Approach: We go beyond project management. We coach you and your team to embrace the project mindset for optimized execution across all functions and silos.

Team Building Focus: From project sponsor & manager to professionals and techs, our approach meets everyone where they are and builds team chemistry...across your enterprise using our fast track coaching, huddles & action classes.


Streamline operations and boost project success rates.

Enhance project creation and execution for maximum impact.

Unlock unmatched efficiency and innovation through AI

Empower your team with personalized skill development, AI expertise and breaking down silos.

Embrace a growth mindset for continuous success in the evolving business landscape.

Business Integrator 100x Your Projects & Boost Your Business.

Our "AI for Business"

Mastering AI For Business

Empower every employee with AI Enablement and watch the business transform. This is the world’s best training workshops on understanding how to utilize AI in small to mid-sized businesses. From just getting started to deploying it every corner of your business, this workshop will open your eyes to the power of AI in your project and across your organization.
Why Choose Us?
For the Firm: Streamline operations, enhance work flows, profitability, and leverage AI for unmatched efficiency and innovation.
For the Individuals: Personalized skill development paths, AI literacy, and a supportive journey that celebrates every step of your growth.
For the Future: Equip yourself and your firm with the tools, mindset, and skills needed to lead in the evolving landscape of AI powered consulting. I am your Simple AI Academy connection and we deliver Simple's World Class training and tools.

Sample Tool: SWOT Analysis

Our 100 X AI
Project Toolbox

We equip you and your team with the tools you need to find these 100X improvements in every business project.

Sample Tool: SWOT Analysis

Our 100 X AI
Project Toolbox

We equip you and your team with the tools you need to find these 100X improvements in every business project.

The Project Mindset

Imagine transforming every aspect of your business through a single, powerful approach: the project mindset. At Project Coach, we empower businesses to redefine success, from internal processes to market innovation, by adopting this mindset. Leveraging cutting-edge AI tools and personalized development programs, we make your business more efficient, your teams more skilled, and your strategies more adaptable. It's not just about managing projects; it's about leading your business to its fullest potential with confidence and creativity. Interested in seeing how a project mindset can revolutionize your business?

Bridging Gaps for Project Success

Project Coach AI is designed to identify and address the unique challenges and opportunities present at the intersections of team dynamics, project phases, and individual capabilities...we meld silos.

By focusing on these critical 'gaps,' where potential friction and untapped potential often reside, our approach offers tailored coaching solutions to guide all participants towards cohesive teamwork and project success. Project coach is particularly valuable for project sponsors and managers.

Flexible Pricing for Your 100X Journey

Core Platform

Our Intro Masterclass
& AI Tools

Per seat


Grow Platform

Our People
Development Tools

Per seat

Priced by Quotation

Tranform Platform

Our Business
Development Tools

Per seat
(min. 10 seats)

Priced by Quotation

Business Integrator

From Training, Coaching, Consulting to DFY Business Development support

Priced per Project
or Monthly Retainer hdh

AI Powered Case Studies

About The Founder:

Michael Hubicki

Have you ever assembled an exceptional team, won a proposal, only to have the project fall short of your expectations? I have,too. Through extensive research, idea sharing, and professional development, I created Project Coach to address these challenges.

Join me and embrace Al as the primary tool to master complex tasks, tackle overwhelming challenges, and ignite creativity. With over 31 years of experience in the industry, I've witnessed countless projects underperform. Now, my focus is on promoting a project mindset, coaching others to optimize project performance, and sharing the strategies and tools to effectively integrate Al. I am your Simple AI Academy connection and we deliver Simple's world class AI training and tools.

Coming Soon:
Project Coach Academy